To all members and parents, the Juvenile Club would like to wish everyone all the best in this very difficult time and we hope that everyone is keeping safe and well .
We are aware that there is a lot of activity at present on Facebook etc....of different skill challenges for boys and girls. This is a great initiative to get everyone practicing and learning new skills.
But we are also aware that families are under pressure due to work and family commitments.
At the moment we are looking into setting up an on line programme but for the present time we would ask and encourage everyone to pick up the hurley and sliothar or the football, for those who prefer this, and to get out each day and practise what you already have learnt in training.
Even maybe invent skills to show us later☺☺.
We hope that once this crisis passes we will be able to take to the playing fields again and we need to have everyone at their best as our year could be a short one !!!
Parents we ask you to encourage your child and maybe turn the sessions into a fun family activity.
Wishing everyone to stay safe and that we will see everyone back in Dolla soon.
Thanks Noreen